We are off to do some vintage shopping and I thought this cotton 1940s dress was just the perfect thing to wear for it! It being cotton is very helpful considering this wicked humidity!
Welcome to my friend Madeline's house. She's knows how to pick the coolest graphic things to make a homey home, the best part is that some of the things and art in her house are from her father who was an artist in Northern Michigan. Part whimsy, part old school graphic design, part danish modern her and her fiance's house is utterly easy to be in and I have already told her that I might not be leaving. And well, the last photo is Hazel, who thinks that banister is a bar where she is about to order up a tuna mojito...
wow.! all these shots are so great. for some odd reason they remind me of my family: owls: grandma jane. cat: us. needlepoint: my mom. artwork on walls: my mom and aunt shirley.
Your friend's house is amazing decorating inspiration! And that picture of Hazel (what a gorgeous cat!) ordering up a tuna mojito just warms my heart. So darling!
I wish I could mark these photos as favorites in flickr. So much personality and color but still simple and a little sleek. So inspiring!
Oh wow! That dress is amazing!!!
This is a beautiful home! And that last picture is just too too funny :0
all these shots are so great.
for some odd reason they remind me of my family:
owls: grandma jane.
cat: us.
needlepoint: my mom.
artwork on walls: my mom and aunt shirley.
you pull it off really much nicer though!
I have to agree. Your friend's photographs are so warm and charming. I think I'd feel quite comfortable there. :P
That cat picture and your comment made me laugh out loud! So funny!
Your friend's house is amazing decorating inspiration! And that picture of Hazel (what a gorgeous cat!) ordering up a tuna mojito just warms my heart. So darling!
this house is awwweesome! it's sort of our dream, a mcm hideaway upstate somewhere...
What a great place! I especially love the library and Sleeping Bear Dunes posters. I love touches of personal history in decor.
And I think that's the best cat photo I've ever seen.
totally digging hazel.
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