Earlier in the summer as I was getting ready to go out, hair in rollers, lipstick applied, I thought I would see how many ridiculous and unflattering faces I could make in 30 seconds. I have always loved making pretty hideous faces...this is the result. I never intended to post it since it is well, so unflattering, but you know, I think the internet has made many people guilty of purporting to be something they are not, or perhaps just allowing for these these controlled presented concepts of self. It is important to me to remain humble and ridiculous even, so I thought I'd go ahead and post this character study collection because after all, these are possibly some of the least flattering photos of myself!
Lauren, You are Cracking Me Up this Morning :) TOO FUNNY!! Really I can't stop laughing. Have a great weekend
love it. keep on keepin' on. :)
I love making ridiculous faces as well, here's one of my own:
Hilarious! I love it. I kinda wish everyone would do this.
lol! Have a great weekend.
You still look cute! :) I love this.
These are awesome! You're a true beauty even when making silly faces. ^_^
I agree with you about blogging and identity (false constructions of self)...really funny and cute way to make that statement ;)
i think it's fabulous! fun! fantastic!
and so cute!
(and i can't believe you actually use rollers!)
i think you're adorable.:)
BEST post!! I agree with Bettina-ADORABLE!
I love your philosophy on this. I'm always looking for a great shot to post on my blog. However, isn't the point of beauty to attain it naturally? If we're picking one good shot out of hundreds, how natural is that? You're very brave, and I adore you for that.
You are so great! And honestly...you couldn't look bad if you tried :)
I agree with littlebyrd...unflattering..bah! anyway, this is fantastic and just made my day!
Awww. You're so super cute. I ABSOLUTELY know what you mean when you bring up the crazy fakeness that exists in blogs. Its so important to stay true to yourself. Nothin' fake about this post! :)
still gorgeous.
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