Buy a bunch of 1950s dresses. Buy a bunch of cute sandals. Outfits, outfits, outfits! I do declare that 1950s dresses make it so easy. All the work is done, I mean, hey, I don't even have to "do" my hair (as if I ever did!). I got this dress in the winter and it's a beast to iron it, so my expert mother ironed it for me. When she comes over and irons my things I end up never wearing them because, well, they are ironed! And if I wear them, they'll need ironing again - blast it! But that is silly, I know, and so I am finally wearing this dress. Summer is already slipping though my fingers and I can't let that happens without wearing all the things I was longing to wear all winter.
black and white 1950s dress - thrifted
strappy burnt red sandals - thrifted
earrings - inherited from my beautiful friend Audrey
You are right Lauren--a 1950's dress does make it easy. They are so pretty and the details are always just right, what more can you ask for :) The print on your dress reminds me of a pretty 50s wallpaper you would have seen in a powder room of the time----LOVELINESS.
you look oh so pretty in that 50's dress! the pattern is just lovely!
That dress is gorgeous. I love 1950s dresses best out of any era!
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