Monday, April 16

new in the shop!

 A shop update - all is available here


Unknown said...

wow- love every single piece!!!


thatdamngreendress said...

ah, you`re killing me with love! Those green peeptoes are amazing- not surprised they are sold already! And this green floral...if my closet wasn't so overflowing that I don't need hangers anymore (it's atrocious) I would snap this up!

No Carnations said...

that rose dress is the stuff dreams are made of.

found and sewn said...

love the flower print dress!

cassie stephens said...

The floral dress is amazing! I dunno how you 1.)Find these treasures...2.)Part with them without tearing up. Love them and your shop. I'm thinking my end-of-school-year gift to myself will have to be one of your dresses. Or hats. I'd say shoes, but my giant feet disagree ;)

Wild Tea Party said...

If only the Gin Fizz dress fit me.

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