Thursday, October 1

No Prints

Actually, secret prints! The inside of this jacket is has a print. I am not super big into prints, but I am into texture. When I get dressed and there are no patterns or prints in the outfit I feel sort of strange, like I am suppose to add them in, shows I know how to dress or something. But when I think about it, the outfits I see online or in catalogs, that I love the most, are usually without prints but have good texture. I have already blogged about this - great I am now redundant, sorry! So while I thought about throwing on some scarf or I don't know what, I just decided against it because frankly, I love sort of somber and plain clothes. I know it doesn't seem like I do, but I do! My summer wardrobe is so vastly different that my fall winter one. In the fall and winter one might think I am in mourning, or without a sense of humor...but then again, one of my very first career aspirations was to be a nun, so...well, there.

gray wool shift dress  - thrifted, still needs a hem...
cropped dolman sleeve jacket - H&M (long while ago)
over the knee stockings - antique store
cognac knee-high boots  - thrifted (yes i nearly died!)


Amber said...

Lauren, you're so freakin' cute. :)

I'm not big on prints either. Today I have on a black dress, black leggings, orangey-tan boots and a cream cardigan. I made it a little more exciting with a coral and silver striped scarf from India. I should start taking pictures, more for my own reference. I can never remember clothing combinations that I've enjoyed wearing.

Ok, ending my rambling... now!


I was about to say - I saw some prints sneaking out from underneath your jacket. Love your fashion sense, you are too cute :)



littlebyrd said...

What a fabulous dress!

amy said...

i adore texture, too. and i love that dress. anything grey is my favorite--especially with brown! and i love those boots--not too high of a heel and great color. perfect. you have such style!

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

i love the look of a plain jacket with a print lining peeking out when it's open! and there may be something wrong with me, but i'm loving that dress unhemmed.

coleface said...

I need this in my life.

-lady of the panic room (cole)

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