Sunday, September 6

What not going to the mall looks like

The mall, it has it's place in our society, it's great for mall-walkers, teenagers and food courts, but almost everything one can buy at the mall one can buy vintage or thrifted. This outfit is a great example. While this skirt was originally from the mall, it came to me by way of the thrift store, the rest of the outfit is vintage. I guess if you don't enjoy the hunt then shopping at the mall is probably better, but for those of us who know, vintage and thrifting yields the real bounty!

black silk tank top - thrifted
rayon scarf - vintage
skirt - thrifted
honey brown stacked heel boots - vintage


A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

I love your blog and your Etsy store! I found your blog via Cali Vintage, and I can't wait to catch up on your past posts and see what you feature next! Please visit me at GirlWhimsy.

Chelsea said...

Oh my heavens! This ensemble is adorable.

kadler said...

Love it. I cannot wait for scarf season again!

hy said...

great outfit!!! i love how its completely current yet unique, and fully thrifted~

I actually have very limited mall experiences. I grew up with over an hour and half drive to the closest mall, so I can count on one hand how many times we went then. Then living in Manhattan, the mall experiance was also rather low. By then I was deeply entrenched in vintage, and malls were the last place I'd consider going! It's literally been years since I've been to a mall~

sarah said...

Indeed, you are so right! I always feel nervous and clausterphobic in malls anyway, so even if I didn't thrift, I would still find a way to avoid them. And the outfit is so fantastic - the scarf is lovely!

Lara said...

i get panic attacks in malls, meaning the indoor ones. those big too shiny floors give me the creeps, hee hee. the only malli go to is the outdoor one with anthropology. :) finding 2nd hand treasures is so much more fun anyway. lovely scarf!

Leigh said...

Yes, I agree, it's the thrill of the hunt that makes it so exciting! I love me some H&M every now and then, but it's never as exciting as finding that one perfect thing that nobody else will have, and, for say, $5!

Anonymous said...

Super cute outfit, love that scarf!

Maejean Vintage said...

I am admiring those boots!! Thrifting is way better than malling. ;-)

Love your Etsy shop.



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