I said I was going to give the bright lipstick a go and I did it! Usually I like to start with one item and build an outfit around it and this time it was the lipstick so I thought I would keep the outfit very simple. I think I would like a slightly punchier shade, but I was using some Nars lipstain that I already had, I still want to go find a really hip more orangy shade.
Hat - thriftedTank top - American ApparelCardiagan - thriftedJeans - Urban OutfittersHeels -thrifted, and so oddly comfy I wore them all day at work and then at night!
It's my Nana's 81st birthday today and last night my whole family went out to one of her favorite places. It's called Clemente's and it's totally like a movie scene inside with carpeted walls, vinyl booths and warm orange lighting. The spaghetti and pizza are amazing and there is a bowling alley attached. It's a place from another time. Aaaaand, it's closing. Very sad. My nana knows the owner, she's 84 and the owner came and talked to us. Nana said that she used to "play agates (marbles) in the alley in the 1930s" with the owner and the owners mother would call them all in in the evening for spaghetti, same receipe served in the restaurant now! So great. It's really sad that it's closing after 62 years. I just had to get a shot of Nana and I in front of the sign. What's worse is they are tearing it down to build a blasted AutoZone. The saddest part of the story for sure.

And this is a photo of the tapes my Nana keeps in her bathroom. Since I was a kid she has had a little "boombox" in her bathroom with tapes. This one is Hooked on Classics! LOL! But make no mistake, Nana is very with it, over dinner she looked over at me and said "do you Twitter?".
Love it! You look very Parisian. Nana is obviously very hip...maybe she could join us on Twitter.
what a fun night! how funny that your grandma knows what twitter is... she must watch soap operas, thats where my grandma gets her up to date info hehe
I really like your cardigan and necklace. So pretty!
The red looks awesome! I'm always trying to find the right shade too. I put on lipstick and feel like my lips are a neon light and everyone must be staring at my mouth. My red hair and fair skin creates a need for expert help. Let's go lipstick shopping! lol.
Cute! You look great. I too have been dabbling in the red...Your Nana is adorable. How sad that place is being torn down though! Bummer.
the lipstick looks great on you! cute little fishy face!
your nana is awesome and the restaurant sounds amazing. i hate to hear institutions like that getting thrown out...especially for a freakin' autozone. you should fight!
Great look you put together - I like the lipstick! How cute is Nana? She sounds great!!
ahh you're so adorable! so happy you commented on my blog, because i am so happy to have found yours!
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