And this is so fantastically crazy to me - I see many many designers (high-end no less) putting out blouses that are styled just like vintage blouses. I mean, why would I pay $300, nay, why should YOU pay $100-$400 (the above blouse by Valentino for a mere $398 and that's at a discount!) for a pretty feminine blouse with pretty bow, or ruffled collar when you can get one on Etsy for around $30? Aaaaaand, you are recycling clothes, thereby being "green"! Just sayin'.
Also - buying from etsy means you're supporting a small business as well as being good to the earth :)
I hear you loud and clear about buying vintage..PLUS the added advantage of not seeing yourself coming and going on the street while you paid a small fortune to look that way! Go vintage!
i read ya!
Wow, such rich colours! x
I ask myself these questions all the time! Why would anyone pay that much for a blouse you can thrift for less?? So silly. I'll let those people be silly though. I want the deals to myself!
I TOTALLY agree ...they are making EXACT replicas of vintage pieces ...and really, I'd rather have the original than the duplicate and on top of that ...it's unique!!!
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