I love the sweet simplicity of this outfit. I know not from whence it came, it has been in my "ohmanIlovethat" file for a while now. I love how the dress is like a coat and I just really get into belted waists, so feminine. This little get up treads the line between feminine and sober seriousness that I really like. It hardly ever occurs to me to wear footless tights with heels and a dress and today I vow to start to thinking of it, this spring will be my spring of footless tights and cute shoes! Viva la ankle revolution!
UPDATE on this fetching frock. My best friend Madeline worked some Internet mojo (she is wickedly good at that sort of thing) and found it!
It is here, but I declare the site it came from might chomp your pocketbook a little, I know mine is
ready to heed it's call...TWENTYTHIRTYFORTY.net
oh, i am so glad you found me! Now i am off to peruse your lovely blog my dear.
make sure to stop back by tomorrow for fashion friday!
I need to get my ass into shape before I start wearing footless tights as pants. I love that the jacket doesn't have a collar. It leaves more for interpretation with your hair. I love this too... where is it from?
I didn't know you had a blog!
Thank you so much darling for the dress. I love it!!!
Loeffler Randall
Cascading Coat
...you love me.
love your blog
it's a great look x
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