Wednesday, February 18

The HOTTEST pair of shoes I'll ever set free.

These are utterly and unspeakably hot. I mean, I put them on and I felt like I could seduce the paint off a house. They are what I like to call "cage heel", your foot is in somewhat of a cage, a cage you are willing to crawl into and hang out for a while, someone may feed you strawberries whilst you are in there, or perhaps they will read you excepts from Madame Bovary. I will miss these once they find their new home...


Stacy said...

Yes, super cute shoes.

Imelda said...

aahh well said lauren.. you'll miss them for sure, they're so adorable..

xx imelda

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Fabulous shoes!! Demure sexy for sure!

Frankie said...

Your shoes always make me HATE my stupidly large clown feet! These are amazing x

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