Monday, September 20

american mystery: huguette clark

Imagine 42 rooms totaling over 15,000 square feet of belongings that haven't been touched in over 40 years. Completely enshrouded in mystery, Huguette Clark, heiress now age 104 is the owner of such a property in the heart of Manhattan overlooking Central Park, the apartment earns the distinction as the largest apartment on Fifth Avenue. Though her whereabouts are unknown by all those outside of her very small inner circle, her story is fodder for plenty of press speculation and it's a fascinating story, mostly because of her reclusive nature. In fact, the last photo here taken in the 1930s is the last known photo of Huguette Clark, which is if you ask me, downright amazing. But what really tantalises me is that there is a giant apartment in New York City that has gone unvisited or living in by it's owner for 40+ years that undoubtedly has multiple closets full of garments that would without a doubt reduce me to tears. The heiress is without children, who will inherit the vintage!?!?


Carys said...

What an unusual story, I can't believe that's the last photo of her taken!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Anonymous said...

All the stories on Huguette Clark are at

thelayeredpancake said...

104! what a long life to live! This is such an interesting post.

Anonymous said...

wow what an amazing amazing story..

Jean Jean Vintage said...

I am absolutely captivated. Now how can we get inside that apartment . . .

blackdahliadesigns said...

This story is so odd! I keep checking back at MSNBC for any updates to the story. Its intreguing and totally mysterious how she has been in hiding all these years! But take a peek into that new york apartment would probably blow me away!!

the vintage hat shop said...

The hats! oh, the hats.
Thanks for sharing this story. I'll keep my ears open.

Wild Tea Party said...

What a weird story....

Pretty Neat Designs said...

I would pay admission just to get a glimpse at the shoes!

NessaKnits said...

Let's hope she had the internet connected to her room and has an aha moment after reading your blog ..."now I know what to do with all my possessions ..."

Julie said...

I love this story-so intriguing! I think they should send a film crew up there so we can all see how the real Miss Havisham lives....

Unknown said...

Gosh what hstory must be inside that apartment, besides the clothes, the jewels, hats and shoes, what about the furniture. Maybe I am her long lost granddaughter :) Hey I can dream can't I :)

Rachel said...

i will have to befriend her so i can be in her will!

that's probably a terrible thing to say.

Rhia said...

What an amazing life and story! It would be a shame to see all those clothes, shoes, hats, handbags and other stuff to go to waste. It makes me almost crazy just to think about what a treasure awaits in that apartment. (Never mind the paintings and furniture, its the clothes that we all desire =) Anyway, thank you for sharing this story with us.

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