Thursday, January 17

A Tale of Woe

Here lies a once beautiful silk 1930s wedding gown, resplendent with silvery bugle beading and the most flattering of bias cut. But alas, she was fated to never grace another slender body again for she was fatally flawed. Plagued with the dreaded dyness so many vintage dresses suffer. But before she fell to pieces, she offered up this swan song, holding it together for her last grasp at glory only to shred along every seam immediately after. Once the dryness was detected I just started tearing and well, the effect was rather beautiful so I documented it. least I saved the beading and hope to use it again to embellish another dress. 

Her former self...


  1. poor darling! I've experienced similar and it's never easy to witness. ;/

  2. If she broke along the seams, a tailor could stitch her back together again!

  3. Amazing! You were able to get it on the dress form without tearing it but could not get it off?

  4. So sad. :( What a beautiful dress.

  5. A shame for sure! and she was gorgeous. I've had this happen several times as well. Definitely keep the beading. You never know when it will come in handy.

  6. oooh.... that is so heartbreaking... :( So happy you decided to salvage the bodice. A beauty - even as she fell to shreds.

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  8. OH MY! WHY!!!!!??!!!

  9. This is the most tragic thing I think I've ever seen. I had my eye on this dress if and when I get married, too :(
